14/02/2025 9:56 PM


Adorn your Feelings

Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet: Art Gallery Notes

WHAT’S OPEN THIS WINTER, ART GALLERIES: Here’s a list of businesses open for the winter including art galleries, as published by the Provincetown Business Guild. See the list here: https://ptown.org/calendar/whats-open-winter/

PTOWN GALLERY STROLL: A collaboration of over 30 art galleries in Provincetown working together to bring awareness that Provincetown galleries are operating in safe, efficient, and evolving ways during the current health crisis. Visit https://www.ptowngallerystroll.com

WELLFLEET PUBLIC LIBRARY: Virtual art show “Isolation:Inspiration” at https://www.wellfleetlibrary.org/isolationinspiration

WELLFLEET HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MUSEUM: “Before 1620: Who Was Here?” exhibition by appointment at 266 Main St. Visit http://www.wellfleethistoricalsociety.org/

ADAM PECK GALLERY: Happy New Year 2021! Located at 142 Commercial St. in Provincetown. On Facebook or visit https://www.adampeckgallery.com/

BOWERSOCK FINE ART GALLERY: Located at 373 Commercial St. in Provincetown.  Info at www.bowersockgallery.com

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