05/05/2024 9:28 PM


Adorn your Feelings

Breast Augmentation: Here is what you need to know

3 min read

Augmentation mammoplasty or breast augmentation is a surgical procedure performed to enhance the shape, size, or fullness of a breast. Your surgeon can place saline, silicone or any other composite breast implants under your breast tissue or chest muscles. Note that these implants can last for about seven to 12 years.

Why breast augmentation?

The following are some of the benefits of augmentation mammoplasty.

  • Enhance the size of breasts that are small naturally
  • Restore the real shape and size of your breasts after pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss
  • Restore your breasts after surgery
  • If your breasts are asymmetrical, breast augmentation can restore symmetry.

Keep in mind that plastic surgery includes two types of surgery – cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Generally, reconstructive surgery can be performed as a part breast cancer treatment. On the other hand, cosmetic breast surgery is performed majorly for aesthetic reasons. Note that both types of surgery are complicated and must be performed by a licensed and experienced NYC breast augmentation surgeon.

Understanding breast implants

A breast implant is simply a prosthesis placed inside your breast to reconstruct, augment, or create the right physical form of the breast. According to breast augmentation experts, there are three common types of implants. These include;

Saline implants: These implants are filled with a sterile saline solution such as salt water. This solution is usually held inside an elastomer silicone shell. To achieve different firmness, feel, size, and shape for breasts, these implants are filled with varying amounts of saline solutions. In case the implant leaks, this solution will be simply absorbed in your body and expelled just like other body waste.

Silicone gel-filled implants: These consist of an outer silicone shell filled with some kind of silicone gel. In case of the implant leaks, the gel will stay inside the silicone shell or escape into the implant pocket. Note that a leaking silicone-filled breast implant may either collapse or stay intact.

Alternative composite implants: Your surgeon may use other alternative composite implants that may be filled with soy oil, polypropylene string, or other relevant material.

What to expect

Note that breast augmentation is a type of surgery and so, patients should think carefully and consult with an expert before opting for the surgical procedure. Before surgery, your doctor should help you understand the procedure and choose the right implant type and size. This can be done by putting different sizes of implants into your bra and feel them.

Generally, surgeons use anesthetic so that the patient stays asleep during the surgery. Some experts use local anesthetic, and that means you will be awake during the entire procedure. As the anesthetic wear off, you will be given painkillers to control the pain. Remember, you will be unable to drive, and so you should get someone to drive you home after the surgery.

During recovery, dissolvable or absorbable sutures will disappear within six weeks. If you have sutures that don’t dissolve or if the surgeon placed drainage tubes near your breasts, you should make a follow-up appointment to get them removed.

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