Harry Styles “Watermelon Sugar” Music Video Is Everything We Want
- Today, Harry Styles dropped the music video for “Watermelon Sugar,” one of his hit singles on his sophomore album, Fine Line.
- The video, which has the singer eating copious amounts of fruit among a crowd of bikini-clad girls, is dedicated to “touching.”
There’s only so much I can say about Harry Styles in his newly released music video for “Watermelon Sugar,” fresh off his sophomore album, Fine Line, before this piece starts veering off into NSFW discourse.
The music video, which dropped today, bursts at the seams with sexual innuendo: the dedication (romantically addressed to the art of “touching”), the swarm of writhing bodies in sun-dipped bikinis, Styles’s teensy-tiny knit sweater vests. Nothing, however, gets the layman viewer going more than watching the singer’s baby-pink-painted fingernails caressing the edge of a watermelon slice.
In other words, think Mamma Mia! but sexier—and with less Colin Firth.
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Whether his “watermelon sugar high” is or is not a metaphor for oral sex (as many of his fans have speculated), the video also doubles as a love letter to the summer we all so desperately want and will almost certainly not get as we wait out the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. The epigraph—”This video is dedicated to touching”—nods to the funny, debilitating (sign of the) times we find ourselves in today. Do you miss hugging your friends? Do you crave being jostled by the sea of morning rush-hour commuters? Do you want to walk down a crowded sidewalk without having to measure what six feet of distance looks like in your head?
Well, you can’t. At least, not anytime soon. But doesn’t Styles have a beautiful way of reminding you of what waits ahead?
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